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22 July 2018

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Babylon Reports – Alcohol banned in Salahuddin, Israel evacuates White Helmets, Hackers rob Russian bank

Written by on 22 July 2018

The sale and consumption of all alcoholic drinks has been banned in Salahuddin by the provincial governor in a move that residents have compared to the strict conservatism of ISIS rule. During ISIS rule, the sale and consumption of alcohol was banned. The governor of Salahuddin reintroduced the conservative ruling last week. Some residents support […]

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4 June 2018

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Babylon Reports – Assad North Korea visit, Iraq sentences French woman, Kanye drops album

Written by on 4 June 2018

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is reportedly planning on making a state visit to North Korea. It would be the first time North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has hosted a head of state since assuming power in 2011. He has undertaken a flurry of diplomatic activity recently, meeting China’s president in May, and is expected to […]

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29 May 2018

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Babylon Reports – Syria heads disarmament group, Iraq votes for recount, Nicki and Em dating rumors

Written by on 29 May 2018

Members of the UN have expressed dismay over Syria becoming president of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva. The move comes just weeks after the latest reported chemical weapons attack, in which the Syrian authorities are widely believed to have used chemical agents against civilians. Syria takes over from Switzerland simply because it follows […]

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28 May 2018

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Babylon Reports – Russians killed in Syrian, Exam time internet blackout, Mo Salah’s people rally online

Written by on 28 May 2018

At least four Russian combatants have been killed by militants in the eastern Syrian province of Deir EzZor. Two military advisers died when the Syrian army battery they were directing was attacked. Five other Russians were injured and two died later of their wounds. Syria’s army took Deir EzZor city last November but Islamic State […]

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23 May 2018

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Babylon Reports – No Iraqi election re-do, F-35 used for first time, R. Kelly in hot water again

Written by on 23 May 2018

 Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Tuesday said it was unlikely new parliamentary elections would be held despite widespread claims of fraud and calls for investigation. Several Kurdish and Iraqi parties rejected the results of the vote, even asking the US president’s special envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition, Brett McGurk, to push for an election […]

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22 May 2018

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Babylon Reports – Damascus ISIS-free, Soran security drug bust, Iraq to host Football championship

Written by on 22 May 2018

The Syrian military has declared that it has taken full control of all areas around the capital, Damascus, for the first time in six years. Damascus and its surrounding are completely secure, according to state television. The announcement came after troops cleared Islamic State (IS) militants from the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp and the Hajar […]

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10 May 2018

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Babylon Reports – Election updates, Israel-Iran exchange fire in Syria, World’s oldest leader

Written by on 10 May 2018

It’s election weekend but for anyone looking to travel, we’re got an update for you. Iraq announced on Wednesday that it would close its airports and border crossings for 24 hours on May 12, the day of the vote, as part of security measures. A brief statement by Iraqi Authorities said the 24-hour curfew would […]

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23 April 2018

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Babylon Reports – ISIS killed by Iraqi Air force, Police go on strike, Mohamed Salah wins PFA

Written by on 23 April 2018

The fight against ISIS continues as the Iraqi Ministry of Defense on Sunday revealed it had killed 36 members of the Islamic State (IS) in a rare cross-border operation in Syria last week. The airstrikes targeted hideouts and terrorists who pose a threat to Iraq since there have been pockets of ISIS resistance in western parts […]

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22 April 2018

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Babylon Reports – Experts enter Douma, Iraqi candidates fined, Verne Troyer dies

Written by on 22 April 2018

International chemical weapons experts have finally inspected the site of a suspected attack near Damascus which caused an international crisis. The team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) travelled to the town of Douma and collected samples and other items. The delay in giving the team access has pushed the US, […]

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