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19 March 2018

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Babylon Reports – Afrin falls, Putin wins, Banksy honors Dogan

Written by on 19 March 2018

Turkish-backed forces have taken full control of the centre of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin. Fighters waved flags and tore down the statue of a legendary Kurdish figure Kawa after claiming the city centre yesterday. The two-month Turkish-led operation aimed to rid the border region of a Kurdish militia that Turkey considers a terrorist group. […]

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1 March 2018

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Babylon Reports – Afrin operation killing civilians, Farmers boycott Baghdad, Syrian and Iraqi lions make it to Africa

Written by on 1 March 2018

Indiscriminate shellfire by Turkish troops – and to a lesser extent Kurdish forces – has killed scores of civilians in Syria, a human rights group alleges. Amnesty International said it had verified witness testimony from the north-western Kurdish enclave of Afrin that “painted a grim picture”. Turkey has denied targeting civilians since launching an offensive against […]

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21 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Syrian forces reach Afrin, Duhok-Mosul road open to businesses, Zayn Malik hints at music

Written by on 21 February 2018

  Pro-Syrian government forces on Tuesday arrived in the Kurdish enclave of Afrin following an agreement between the government and the People’s Protection Units (YPG). The government fighters advanced toward the Afrin region in Syrian Kurdistan after an agreement was arranged earlier to allow the Syrian troops to enter the Kurdish-controlled area. Following the arrival of […]

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20 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Turkey warns Syrian forces, Abadi says airports open soon, 120m road expanded

Written by on 20 February 2018

Tensions continue to rise as Turkey has warned the Syrian government not to help Kurds fighting against Turkish forces in northern Syria. Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said Turkey’s operations were going ahead as planned and it would be a “disaster” if Syrian troops were to intervene. Syrian media had earlier said the army would […]

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19 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Kurdish, Regime agreement in Afrin, Iranian plane crash rescue continues, Russian athlete doping

Written by on 19 February 2018

Kurdish fighters in north-western Syria say they have struck a deal with the Syrian government under which it will send troops to help repel the ongoing Turkish Olive Branch offensive. The Syrian government in Damascus has offered no confirmation. There is currently no Syrian military presence in the area. In next door Iran, relatives of […]

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13 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Turkey releases casualty report for Afrin, SDF freed from ISIS in Iraq, Olympics hacked

Written by on 13 February 2018

 The Turkish army on Monday revealed that 31 of its soldiers had been killed since the start of an offensive against Syrian Kurds in the northwestern enclave of Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). According to an official statement by the Turkish armed forces, another 143 soldiers were wounded in the ongoing campaign dubbed “Operation Olive […]

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12 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Kurdish MPs arrive in Afrin, Iranian-Canadian dies in Tehran jail, French Figure skater dances to Beyonce

Written by on 12 February 2018

The delegation of Kurdish MPs who are tasked with investigating the situation in Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan have arrived in the capital city of the Kurdish canton on Sunday evening. The MPs who come from five different Kurdish parties are on an official visit to Afrin which has come under intensive Turkish strikes and military […]

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11 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – Israeli jet crash, Turkish helicopter shot down, Saudi says abaya not mandatory

Written by on 11 February 2018

Israel bombed a number of Syrian air defences after one of its fighter jets was brought down during a raid over Syria. The response was the “most significant attack” of its kind against Syria since the 1982 Lebanon war. The F-16 jet went down during a mission that followed an Iranian drone launched into Israeli […]

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8 February 2018

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Babylon Reports – France condemns Syrian conflict, ISIS removed from Khurmatu, Lana del Rey gets emotional

Written by on 8 February 2018

France’s Foreign Minister on Wednesday called on Iranian militias and the Lebanese Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria and accused Turkey, Iran, and the Syrian regime of violating international law in the war-torn country. Jean-Yves Le Drian said France was demanding the withdrawal of “all those who have no business in Syria,” and also accused “the […]

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