In this engaging segment of “The Drive,” the show’s dynamic trio of psychology students opens the floor to their audience, inviting callers to share their perspectives and personal experiences on family dynamics within the context of Iraq. As the phone lines light up, a diverse range of voices chime in, offering unique insights, anecdotes, and […]
Jason debuty public affairs officer from US consulate and Shorash allumni joined the Breakfast Club to talk about Fulbright ! They were pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Foreign Student Program competition for 2024-2025. The Fulbright Program enables Iraqi students to pursue graduate-level study in the United States of America. Participants also have the unique opportunity to […]
Silver Medal is the leading company in the hospitality sector in KRI andIraq, they manage several outlets that offer a unique experiences. (The Vinery Wine Bar & Habana del Este in Empire + The Vinery Wine Cellar in Ankawa duo side). They are now working on 2 upcoming outlets in Empire diamond opening after Ramadan. Listen […]
Elimam and Duaa from the Mines Advisory Group [MAG ] joined the Breakfast Club on April 4th which is Mines Awareness Day. They talked about the importance of raising awareness, dangerous areas, and tips to stay safe. Click here for full interview.
The Drive – Mario, Alen and Sam dove into the unique perspective of three psychology students in their final year. With a focus on family dynamics and divorce, these insightful students offer a nuanced discussion, sharing their experiences and practices in understanding the complexities of familial relationships. In a thought-provoking segment, they analyze the divorce […]
Sina and Mohammad from Sima Pharmacy joined the Breakfast Club to talk all about their work and answer fan questions regarding supplement recommendations. Click here to listen to the full interview.