2017 has been an…. Interesting year to say the least. Babylon FM collected
10 highlights of 2017 in Kurdistan! This list include local events that went viral.
Take a look the highlights of 2017, put your belts on because
it will be a roller-costar!
10- First Kurdistan Proposal
A collage student from Chihan University proposed to the love
of his life, this clip went viral with over 600,000 views.
gained global success with over 52.2 million views in YouTube!

8- Maqol Chya Guy
He just wanted his whiskey, maqol chya
7- Zakria making his first appearance in 7 years
Zakaria, famous Kurdish singer makes an appearance on the
referendum concert after 7 years of not appearing at all

6- Color festival In Kurdistan
First time in Iraq a festival for youth, inspired by the referendum

5- Mr. Erbil
People went crazy to discover the beauty of Kurdish men

4- Earthquake in Kurdistan
Earthquake hits Kurdistan, effecting all Kurdistan especially Darbanikhan and Halabja

3- Animal release
Kurdistan showed its compassion for animals, when they released 4 bears to the wild

2- Crazy/False rumors, about Babylon Media being sold
Rumors spread around that Babylon Media was sold to Israel for 33 Million dollars, BUT the rumors where false

1– Referendum/ Kurdish independence
Sep. 25 2107, one of the greatest moments of Kurdish history when Kurdistan demanded independence